Our Mission
Our mission is to support young people with physical disabilities in Cornwall to become autonomous individuals and to have their voices heard.
I’m so so so glad I did I don’t regret anything. Thank you for an awesome experience over the 2 years just want to let people know if you have a disability don’t let everyone or anything stop you you can do anything!
Our Values

Unapologetically Challenging
In our expectations of what young people with physical disabilities can achieve.
Committed to the Long Term
We engage with young people for many years, supporting them to develop in skills and confidence.
Using Local, Ethical Suppliers
We will always aim to source goods and services from local businesses and from those with an ethical stance.
Young people are at the heart of the organisation and are part of all levels of the organisation, driving how it is shaped.

We will use our resources wisely and be accountable to the young people, Trustees and donors for how we have used our resources.
A key ingredient to our young people's activities.

We focus on the positive and what IS possible.
Enabling young people to make decisions for themselves and to achieve new goals.